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Being You @ The BCC

Just like Banff itself, the Curling Club attracts and welcomes people from all walks of life. We appreciate seeing people shine on and off the ice in all that makes them unique - whether that's their curling style, their education, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, gender identity or expression; sexual orientation, martial or family status, disability or genetic characteristics.  At the BCC, you will be treating as a friend; with respect and dignity. 

The Fenlands Recreation Centre is an accessible facility equipped with accessible parking spots, doors, elevator access to upper levels and other amenities.  The Banff Curling Club has double doors to access its lounge, and is equipped with a ramp to access the rink.  Curlers are not limited to crouching and sliding.  We have assistive delivery devices for curlers to deliver rocks from a seated or standing position.  We hope that you come to enjoy our beautiful facility and make curling a life-long activity!

Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Us At ...

Fenlands Recreation Center
100 Norquay Road
Banff, AB    T1L 1A1



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About The Club

Banff Curling Club offers an inclusive, accessible and safe environment to learn a new sport and meet people from near and far. We are nestled in the hear of Banff National Park, Treaty 7 Territory, and proud hosts of weekly leagues, public programs, bonspiels and world-class events.
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